Eiffel tower italy pizza tower
Eiffel tower italy pizza tower

On to charming Lake Maggiore, then cross Simplon Pass, ride a mountain train, and arrive in Zermatt for free time at the base of the Matterhorn. Mark’s Square, Doges’ Palace, and the Bridge of Sighs. Enjoy a pizza party lunch at a local restaurant and see how they are made! Enter Venice in style by private boat, savor an authentic pasta dinner at a local restaurant, create your own Venetian mask, and follow your Local Guide for a visit to St. In Florence, visit the Academy of Fine Arts with Michelangelo’s celebrated David and admire the cathedral and sculpture-studded Signoria Square. On to Pisa to see its Leaning Tower, then to the spa resort of Montecatini. Peter’s Square and Basilica, and the Colosseum, where you get a family picture with a gladiator (if available).

eiffel tower italy pizza tower

Discover Europe with your family! Start in Rome with a welcome dinner and guided sightseeing that features visits to the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel, St.

Eiffel tower italy pizza tower